MW2E Version 5.3.0

MW2E is now distributed as two separate programs: MWAV for the Microwave 1 and MW2E for the Microwave 2.

Main features include:

Completely redesigned sound editor interface and program bank manager with drag&drop support.

  • A Sound Bank can be opened, for instance “mwsset1.syx” and all sounds can be dumped to the Microwave afterwards.
  • A new Sound Bank library can also be set up.
  • Individual slots in the Sound Bank can be initialized.
  • Sounds can be drag&dropped from the Sound Bank to the Microwave.
  • Sounds can be drag&dropped from the Microwave to the Finder.
  • Sounds can be drag&dropped from the Finder to the Sound Bank.
  • The Microwave table can be updated by selecting either “Request all sounds” or “Request Sound” (for the current selected row).
  • “Edit sound” opens a window for editing a Sound Program.

MWAV for the Microwave 1 can be downloaded here:
After installing the new version, the registration key has to be re-entered.

MW2E for the Microwave II/XT can be downloaded here:

(The latter may also be updated from inside the  application).

One Response to “MW2E Version 5.3.0”

  1. Hallo,

    ich habe diese Woche wieder nach gut fünfzehn Jahren einen Waldorf Microwave 1 ersteigert und dazu Eure Software gekauft.

    Ich bin hell begeistert vom MW1 Editor!

    Vielen Dank und weiter so!

    Beste Grüsse aus der Schweiz,


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