Archive for the ‘MW2E’ Category

MW2E Version 5.2.0

Sunday, October 6th, 2013

Apart from a few bug fixes, version 5.2.0 offers the possibility to update the application to future releases directly from the Main menu (registered users only).

Other new features in this version are:

  • Application is now build as 32/64-bit Intel fat binary.
  • Popover Buttons for MIDI controller assignments in Global Parameter section and Multi Program window.
  • Popup buttons with Volume Envelope Macros to change a bunch of parameters on the fly.
  • Filter Envelope Macros with similar functionality for Organ, Strings and other preset sounds.
  • Reorganized sliders and better redesigned interface.

[Download link]

MW2E Version 5.1.10

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

This version is identical to the previous one, apart from introducing the famous “Check for Updates…”-feature.

Thanks go to Andy Matuschak for his wonderful Sparkle framework.

MW2E Version 5.1.9

Sunday, September 15th, 2013

New feature is the more convenient way to set global and multiprogram W,X,Y,Z controller assignments.

MW2E Version 5.1.7

Thursday, August 29th, 2013

New feature is the Multi Program Window.

Independently to Single Program Mode, parameters for up to eight so-called “instruments” can be edited.

In demo mode the active flag, the MIDI channel and the referenced Sound Bank/Patch are under control.

The full version gives access to all the remaining params, as there are key range, volume, detune, panning and so on.

After editing, the multi params from the selected program can be stored/dumped to any desired (multi) program number.

MW2E Version 5.1.6

Sunday, August 18th, 2013

This is the latest build. [download page]

New features/changes:
– Sound Bank names can be copied and pasted into Logic Pro Environment (for instance).
– MIDI sysex dump and MIDI sysex conversion is now accessible from the menu bar.
– Miscellaneous minor bug fixes

MW2E Version 5.1.5

Monday, August 5th, 2013

New features:
Waves can now be copied and pasted in the Control Table Editor and also the Wave Editor. Of course, only User Waves can be overwritten and User Wave Tables can be modified.

MW2E Version 5.1.4

Saturday, July 27th, 2013

New features:
Requested user wavetable and waves dump is stored in:
~/Library/Application Support/MW2E/
where it is automatically loaded into the wavetable editor on program restart.

Additive Synthesis

Sunday, July 21st, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-07-21 at 22.23.46

MW2E Version 5.1.2

Sunday, July 21st, 2013

New features:

Additive Synthesis for User Waves,
Mathematical Expression Parser

MW2E Version 5.1.1

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

New feature:
Fourier transformed spectrum view in Wave Editor