Product Overview
MWAV/MW2E are MacOS X based system exclusive sound editors/bank managers for Waldorf's MicroWave I and II/XT synthesizer.
GOFTER and MOMENTUM are MacOS X based system exclusive based sound editors/bank managers for Waldorf's Blofeld and Pulse2 synthesizers.
Here is what others have to say about 12decode software:
A brilliant editor you've made, so far the best I've tried.
- Emil Aastrup
robot wavetable ... thanks for the wonderful software, it is really opening up the possibilities of this synth (Microwave) to me!
- Dope Robot
Recently bought a license for MW2E. Awesome editor/librarian. Very stable.
- Carl Falk
I love this editor (for MWXT), it works great!
- Peter Greko
Recently i came across your site and the editor for Microwave XT (OS X). It was one of the latest best findings for me! Want to thank you for it!
- Jaime Filipe Sapateiro Freitas (DSI)
I have an XT and prefer the decode editor. Native and a better library manager.
- wselman
[...] when you like to do your own presets, so i am doing it using 12decode GOFTER. Personally highly recommend [...] The best Editor i ever tried with Blofeld and very cheep too.
- Daniel Krawietz
There are a number of editors for it (the Blofeld) too, [...] I use one for os x that's pretty good (consistently updated) called gofter.
- https://www.elektronauts.com/users/zfigz
ich habe diese Woche wieder nach gut fünfzehn Jahren einen Waldorf Microwave 1 ersteigert und dazu Eure Software gekauft. Ich bin hell begeistert vom MW1 Editor!
- Daniel Baumgartner
Your software app is fantastic... very logical and easy to work with.
I have a Microwave II and a rare Black XT version... so it is a joy to be able to work again with these wonderful machines.
- Brendan Perry (Dead Can Dance)