How to setup some basic patches from scratch. The examples are designed for the Microwave II/XT, but should also work (with some minor changes) on the Microwave I.
This is a short excerpt from the book by Uwe G. Hoenig - “Microwave in der Praxis”
(ISBN 978-3-932275-26-5)
First, all parameters are reset to reasonable start values with “Init Sound V1.1”.
The Oscillators Octave is switched to -1, because we want to play bass, don't we?
Startwave should be sawtooth on both waves.
A detune -7 / +7 gives a nice beat.
- Oscillators
- Octave Parameter = -1 / -1
- Startwave = 63 / 63
- Detune = -7 / +7
The filter cutoff frequency is first set to zero, and then will be controlled by the Envelope Amount at full range.
A decay of approximately 65 and sustain equal 0 produces the desired sweep.
- Filter & Filter Envelope
- Filter 1 Cutoff = 0
- Filter 1 Cutoff Envelope Amount = +63
- Filter 1 Sustain = 0
- Filter 1 Decay = 65
To make the sound a bit more interesting, the following values are entered:
- Quality
- Time Quantization = 5
- Mixer
- Wave 1 Level = 70
- Wave 2 Level = 70
And finally, here comes the most important parameter:
- Filter
- Filter 1 Resonance = 80
That's it, we programmed our first patch! Although it sounds a bit dump, it is perfectly suited as a basis for some more sophisticated ones.
(Based on the Sweep-Bass patch above)
- Filter Envelope
- Filter 1 Attack = 0
- Amplitude Envelope
- Attack = 0
- Filter
- Filter 1 Decay = 16
- Filter 1 Sustain = 70
- Filter 1 Cutoff Envelope Amount = +47
- Octave Parameter for Osc1 / Osc2: 0 / -1
- Startwave 62 (square)
- Oscillators
- Octave Parameter -1 / -1
- Filter
- Filter 1 Cutoff Envelope Amount = +24
- Amplitude Envelope
- Release = 60
- Filter Envelope
- Release = 47
- Filter 1 Keytrack Amount = +50%
- Filter 1 Cutoff = 15
- Oscillators
- Detune 0 / 0
- Mixer
- Wave 1 Level = 100
- Wave 2 Level = 0
- Filter
- Filter 1 Resonance < 110
- Filter 1 Resonance = 127 → Keytracking +100%
- Volume / Filter Release < 47
- Allocation Mode Monophonic
- General Settings
- Startwave = 0
- WaveTable = 46 (Heavy Fuzz)
- Filter Envelope [000,030,048,008]
- Wave 2 Link = YES
- Modifier Settings
- Mod 1 Source = Filter Envelope
- Mod 1 Destination = Wave 1 Position
- Amount = +40
- (optional)
- Try WaveTables
- 014
- 044
- 045
- 047
Sweep Saw Pad
Two sawtooth waves slightly cross tuned, filtered and amplified with a smooth envelope – simple, boring and effective.
- Waves
- Startwave = 63 / 63 (sawtooth)
- Oscillators
- Detune = -6 / +6
- Volume Envelope
- ADSR [050,060,060,040]
- Filter
- Type = 12dB Low Pass
- Cutoff = 60
- Resonance = 40
- Keytrack = +50%
- Filter Envelope
- Cutoff Env Amount = +10 → Sweep
- ADSR [070,070,040,060]
- Cutoff Env Amount = 0
- Env Velocity Amount = +30
Effect: Chorus
(to be continued)