97 Things Every Programmer Should Know
128 Feel the Flow
130 Distance_In_Nautical_Miles class
132 Prevent Errors DD/MM/YYYY
134 Professional Programmer Responsibility
136 Version Control (vs commented-out code)
138 Step Away from Keyboard (rethinking problem)
140 Read Code (oposite to write code)
142 read Wittgenstein, Heidegger
W: Grenzen der sprachlichen Mitteilungsmöglichkeit H: Def. des Werkzeugs über seine Verwendung Aristoteles - Kategorien/Eigenschaften geeignet zur Modellierung (Ungenau) besser: Beispiele, Fallstudien, Prototypen
144 Reinvent the Wheel
152 SRP - Single Responsibility Principle
(separate things that change for different reasons)
154 Start from Yes - edam/ame epiphany
160 testing - whitebox is neadless
162 testing - precise postconditions required
174 Ubuntu - Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu
176 UNIX Tools
178 Right Agorithm & Data Structure
for (i=0; i < strlen(s); i++); Reusing In Paramount Abominible
180 Verbose Logging
err level log != info level log
182 Don't Repeat Yourself
Write Everytime